We'll get you back on your feet, but don't just take our word for it- read through our previous patient's stories and view their before/after pictures. You are not alone in your podiatric concerns, these patients experienced struggle and found relief through our variety of treatment options. We are happy to discuss any of the following treatments with you and help you to get back to doing the things you love! 


Bunion Surgeries 

Before after

Lapiplasty: Before and After

A 56 year old woman came in who was experiencing a lot of bunion pain on the right foot. The pain gradually got worse and she was unable to play with her grandchildren or take her nightly walks with her husband. Many of her family members also experienced bunion pain and they all had surgical correction for them to relieve the pain and problems associated with bunions. The patient tried things such as wearing wide shoes, icing every night after her walks, and using pads on her bunion bump with no long-term relief. The patient then came to see us to discuss surgery. She decided to have surgery in January of 2022 and had the newest Lapiplasty procedure to straighten the toe. She was able to bear weight a lot sooner than traditional bunion surgery and was back in shoes with minimal swelling at 10 weeks after surgery. Now she is back to running around with her grandchildren and walking the beaches at sunset with her husband.




Bunion Surgery for Older Patient: Before and After 

Patient is a 71 year old female patient who came to us in late 2021 after seeing two other podiatrists who told her she was too old for surgery. Patient admits that her bunion was becoming so painful that she could barely walk and she would not wear any shoegear besides flip-flops due to the bump on the side of her foot. Although bunion surgery is not for everyone, surgery was the right thing for her because she was unable to do things on her feet, including household activities like standing to do the dishes or vacuuming. She also had painful calluses and tenderness across the ball of her foot as well due to the deformities that were also corrected with surgery. Her bony healing was slower than most (normal takes about 6-8 weeks for full bony healing), however she was healed within 10 weeks and left for winter in Florida 12 weeks after surgery. She recovered completely with minimal incision site scarring and all pain was resolved in the ball of her foot and in the bunion site. She went back to wearing normal shoe gear, including being able to wear a small heel for special occasions. She also was able to go to Florida with her family for the winter and was able to keep up with them. When she returned from Florida, she then decided to undergo her right foot surgery and this was performed in late 2022 and after recovering she went to Florida for winter again and relates she has been doing well and is so happy she got the second opinion and decided to have surgery.

**Surgical corrections can be done on people at any age, but when choosing to have surgery one needs to be healthy enough to undergo anesthesia and the benefits need to outweigh the risks that often come with bunion surgery.